No worries.
You can leave your shoes on.

Knock Knock. Who's there? A photo project that invites you to a digital stroll past more than 300 front doors from all over the world.

Every day, we're a passing many doors, we're walking through them, we're opening and closing them. Sometimes leave ajar. Sometimes leave them locked.

Thereby, we often see them as a plain means to an end. But if we stand still for a moment, we can see that a door can tell you countless stories without even entering a house. So enjoy the online walk, play with the filters and get some inspiration by something as 'trivial' as a door.
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Only doors for your feed
Follow @knockknock on Instagram for your weekly dose of door content every #doorsday
Who's behind all those doors? 
Well, unfortunately, he's not living in all those houses. However, Knock Knock is a project by photographer, designer and door enthusiast Michael Fischer. Want to discuss door knobs or other kinks with regard to entrances? Drop him a line with the form to the right.
Thanks for knocking. We'll answer the door soon.
Dios mios. Something went wrong. Please check your mail again.